So I'd like to greet 2017 with a renewed version of action and intent, bringing to life some of the seeds which have lain dormant and tending to some stuff which might have guiltily been neglected. Like the inner self, for instance, wondering and lost in the plains of misunderstanding. For we never can know it all, even if we think at times we've come a long way, and in the knowing of the things yet to be known lies the wonder and mystery of the reason we are here.

What we're going through now is an enormous leap. Some say that all the souls that have ever been here are coming back to balance things quickly, bringing the inherent knowledge necessary to equip humankind with deep forms of intuition, so that we can handle experience from the amazingly wonderful to the shockingly dark. The enormity can lead to inertia, when we simply don't know what to do so we do nothing. The process of entropy continues regardless, even if we don't always feel it, and everything is changing all the time. Time itself seems to be speeding up. Is this down to perception?

This quantum world we live in, this soup of paradoxical integrities, it's a beautiful world, filled with the pains of life we have to swim through to make us strong enough to take on quantum leaps of faith. If you're feeling this too, please share it. Let's share our humility along with our heroism, our darknesses in tandem with our lights. Anything is only wonderful when it's balanced by its counterparts, and we know we can't have it all. What we have is an endless gift of Presents, one nanosecond after the other, and this year the best that we can do is fall in love - with something, or someone, or better still, with our inner selves.