Quantumology |
![]() This infinity loop is symbolic of several things besides Infinity. For one, that time is an illusion - there is no linear format to it; we sense past and future only because we grow and decay and die. In the process of doing so, we experience many things, and we seem to spend a lot of our time preparing for things we have no idea are going to happen until they are upon us and happening. This suggests we're not as blind to retrocausality as our innocent brains would like us to think, and that somewhere in the heart, which incidentally has neurons of its own, we know more than we think we know. Until relatively recently, I wasn't one for Facebook, until a swerve in my personal trajectory put paid to my previous sense of anathema. In scrolling down the posts of groups which some might say I'm quite attached to, many souls are tearing themselves apart in searching for ways to find balance. Now, don't get me wrong - I've been there, heart on the floor, no idea how to pick it up cos bits of it are scattered all over my world-line in places I didn't think of looking. But that was then, and this is now, and now I've got a better idea of what it takes to attain balance, and most of the time at least, to hold on to it. Understanding entanglement helps. As does non-locality. Some say they are two sides of the same coin. ![]() All kinds of relationships test our temerity in many different ways. Advisors post advice on social media about what we should or shouldn't put up with, according to their judgement of a situation they know nothing about. This is like being on The Chase, saying, "Go for the higher offer," and copping out when it comes to your turn. If you could exchange life with someone else you might make different decisions, but you'd still be faced with choices that seemed wrong or right to make. Social media has its place, and I like being in the communities I choose to align with because it's interesting and grants a sense of perspective on what's happening across the bigger picture. But it's not Mecca, and my own heart will tell me, at the end of the day, what to do when confronted with what's to be done. The heart will call upon you to resist judgement, and when you do, there's a sense of release. Instinct will say there are two sides to every coin, and that means a hidden positive where a negative stares you in the face. Deep down, you know that kindness outweighs coldness, a benchmark steering towards favourable feelings. When I'm kind in the face of challenges which could easily trigger negativity, I end up having a better day than I would if I rise to the bait. Balance in the self, no matter what you're facing, comes from trusting the principles that align with best intent. And while at times this is a hard place to reach, following your heart will get you there in the end. The prime directive is to care whether it does.
![]() Beauty Truth Up Down Strange Charm These are the Quarks that make us what we are. Quarks were the first particles to exist in the embryonic Universe, they garnered the implementation of the four forces of nature and together with Neutrinos, remain the only particles in physical existence known to oscillate from one form to another, implying a relationship between the Quark (which is a static particle within the atomic constraints of material forms) and the Neutrino (which is a light-speed moving particle travelling through the Cosmos) in an exchange mechanism yet to be defined. The interaction between the neutrino and the quark is fuelling interest in research programmes of the present day, such as IceCube. ![]() Uncertainty is (by scientific definition of Heisenberg's famous Principle) the inability to measure position/speed/trajectory simultaneously of an object in motion. By measuring one of these criteria, the observer forsakes information on the other two.. However, detailing the effects of the Uncertainty Principle has revealed more than scientists first thought, to the extent that the positivist view of a measurement yardstick simplistically being snapped has been severely challenged in recent years. Evolution of the fundamental forces of nature may have taken place early in the history of the Universe, but our understanding of their relationship is recent in coming to light. Gravity and electromagnetism, for example, were linked purely by chance, when certain equations correlated with other equations binding the two forces together. The strong and weak forces within the structure of atoms are under investigation in wider cosmic fields such as the hunt for Dark Matter where exotic particles such as WIMPs and axions remain enigmas. So exploration evolves - our curiosity regarding its impact on us in terms of consciousness and creativity evolves alongside. Our ability to transform our environment by means of adapting our thought processes is fast becoming a validated reality, while the 'deeper magic' of quantum alignment takes us into territory of life-changing improvements. ![]() The Multiverse was first proposed, somewhat unwittingly, by Hugh Everett in the 1950s, and despite widespread dismissal at the time, has found its way into many mainstream branches includng String Theory and Superposition. Here, too, evolution of scientific thinking has begun to embrace the unlikeliest of concepts as it moves ever closer to breakage of the Standard Model. In the dawn of New Physics, hints at the likelihood of correlations to our conscious world are finding paths to understanding the truth of our place in spacetime. While we wait for opportunities to knock that welcome quantum mechanics into mainstream applications, we are elected to test these applications for efficacy in advance of the scientific bridge. Why? Because in doing so, we reveal more of our capabilities in terms of quantum leaps based on sound judgement rather than wishlisting, to appreciate how far we can go in serving higher purposes than those carved out by old, outdated paradigms. Schroedinger dared to think of a cat in a box undergoing a test of random atomic timing; so the legend was born and thereafter Schroedinger's Cat refused to die. We are facing a position of superposition, where polarities have become evident in our language as Positive and Negative which we readily adhere to Love and Fear. In order to expand upon the knowledge at our disposal, we have to be prepared to enter an experimental phase wherein we put our ideas, however exotic they may appear, into practice on a dedicated scale. Results can always speak for themselves. |
AuthorKathy Ratcliffe has studied quantum mechanics since 1997 in a life surrounded by birds and animals, She's a metaphysicist, if such a thing exists, looking as we all are for the inevitable bridge between humanity and particle physics. Archives
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