For energy to work, there has to be a source, so I then drew a trumpet more or less, to show source emanating to its destination. They say life doesn't have destinations, it's a journey, but that just makes more sense of death in terms of its insignificance when we get down to what life must be - a continuous circuit of transferable energy. In life we find that triangles optimise all kinds of situations, from business meetings to social conversations and, if you're that way inclined, to sexual relationships. Witches come in threes and so do a lot of other things, and triangles are after all just circles with corners, so then the circuit becomes evident, and the circle seems to be the closest descriptive geography we've presently got to illustrate important features of our universe, such as orbit and oscillation.
The only fixed point we've ever got to relate to is ourselves, our own singularity. Everything around us is seen from that singular viewpoint so we're spinning plates in life all the time, riding the time wave, tripping on the light fantastic that features so highly in the articles linked to the first paragraph. We bend our mentality from positive to negative and sometimes it's hard to keep balanced, and inevitably in our negatively charged universe (we only get to touch electrons, remember!) we're likely to slip towards a negative bias. Love is the one thing that doesn't let us stay there for long. So maybe we need an equation for that one. Come on folks, this could be fun!