And here we are now on the edge of a different era, bringing science in on the act as if our lives depended on it, which they do, and re-enacting the story of quantum mechanical birth as society and science decide they want the same thing - Truth. Wherever it may be found. For the truth fell short in the old days of arrows and entropy, when Time was dependent on the Second Law and Schroedinger's Equation for its right to dance in one direction, and now we have the means to spin in all directions at once, thanks to Syntropy and the retrocausal effects of Past and Future meeting in the same place.

So goes the article in Scientific American posted October 2014; as if the dimensions and couplets have counterbalanced themselves on just the right alignment for the way we're looking now to be Not Quite Right, because after all we're not allowed to know the future, and knowing the future is something the quantum world is very good at. NQR and QR are stacking themselves up for our understanding only when the time is absolutely right, and not a moment before, so that whatever is happening out here in a part of the Universe we've never travelled through before gets to happen perfectly, as every pattern does, and in the meantime we wait contemplatively. Still contemplating Dark Matter, at the time of writing.

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