Labels aside, the system of our entangled attachments could be said to form a model something like the image here which is a mathematical shape, a Rhombus, its origin linked behind the picture - you'll have to eat cookies from Cool Math to read more about it.
Males prefer to quell emotion with logic before the emotion takes a hold, while females allow emotion to take hold and (eventually) come round to logic. In yin-yang terms, this follows the concept through a number of polarities.
Were we to introduce emotion and logic here, we'd have another polarisation - the principle of the yin-yang system is balance and we have to have some room for manoeuvre in moving towards equilibrium, in order to utilise its application.
"You can't pick 'em apart. They don't come apart," seemed worth quoting from a family discussion, for such is the definition of a Quark, held together as it is by Gluons, and we're made of these things. Other than in the LHC, and possibly in supernovas, you won't find a Quark on its own. We are only here, in cosmic terms, for a very short space of time, so if we're going to know what to do with ourselves when the need to feel and think (at the same time) kicks in, maybe the template is right here and there a fifth element?
A friend sent me this video, less than ten minutes of time devoted to real-time evidence of emotion at work in the quantum field. Gregg Braden lays out the roadmap of what we can do with thought. It's a starter for ten...