From his mind came the concept of light speed and the constant that came of it, determined by the maths to be forged into a constraint so that other things could be seen to work around it. The strategy worked for more than 100 years. Light speed as a constant remains unchallenged, except by non-locality and possibly the behaviour of neutrinos.
Neutrino - Little Neutral One in Italian, the beautiful elusive font of all things in the Universe that streams through us from the Sun (and other places of mysterious origin) is a persistent contender for anything going that's odd, from Dark Matter to Majorana. Their oscillation is a mystery, no-one can see it happening any more than they can see the evolution of new species in the rainforest, so everything is guesswork except that it happens.
He's there, you know, somewhere in the quantum soup, waiting for the kettle to boil even though it won't while he's watching it. In such spirit, this seemed the link to share, the only one really necessary, as the research for this piece dug well beyond the topsoil of standard capability and it's worth a couple of minutes of Time in the reading, promise.
Even if Time is a relative thing.
It's Behind Him...