Well, in hindsight I thought that a bit extreme, but then having a bad day happens to us all, and the Universe cares not for what we make of it. This unique raft of memories we build on the sea of life is just a few binary dots in the matrix of Creation. Building its own raft, the Universe uses us to gather its bits about it in making ever-more-sophisticated versions of its own existence, seeking as we are to determine what the Creator is. As we drift along gathering information in obedience to its Prime Directive, we're driven to see what's lurking there in the Dark Matter of it all to make up the form of energy we have trouble determining ourselves to be. If you click on the link to the Dark Matter article, you'll find that picture that looks exactly like a firing brain cell. No wonder, then, that we stumble about scientifically struggling to find out what all these universal components are when we ourselves are made up of them. The Universe has the same problem.
It's not my place to determine what anyone else's place may be. I'm not there - you are. Some of the challenges I've had to face in this lifetime pale into insignificance when faced with a fresh one. It's all bullshit, one might say, squared up against the illusion/reality defect. We cannot determine what is illusion and what is reality when our minds are firmly positioned in neither camp. See ‘wave-particle duality' for more on this. One thing is certain - I'm sharing similar thoughts with a lot of other people. Since X-waves came to hit Earth a lot of changes have become apparent. It's not as if I'm talking about a minority here, either. Most of my friends have experienced some kind of major shift in their perceptions of life, and would vouch for this shift being on ‘another level altogether'. What of Star Trek- is there a supernova in our thinking to come from 'out there'? Geordi La Forge is mentioned in the listing - thanks for being there, Chief Engineer - following Quantumology on Twitter! Nice to know we're not alone.