Instead we have readily accepted the introduction of a Metaverse, an illusionary superpower that has our social interests all wrapped up in the form of scrolling media, a relatively new invention that has reduced our attention span to just 3.5 seconds, typically less than that of a goldfish.
If we were to equally readily accept the existence of a Multiverse, an array of interlocking dimensions that allows all possibilities to simultaneously occur, we would unlock our own potential and break through to the realms of quantum mechanics where advanced intellect belongs. For 100 years we have dragged our feet, wiping them nervously on the mats of academia whose corridors refuse to welcome new ideas until they can first be proven correct, a chicken-egg paradox that has left us in the scientific Dark Ages since Einstein first thought about 'spooky action at a distance'.
‘As above, so below’ is a common saying in certain circles. We are so infinitesimally small that we become invisible from a few hundred feet in the air, yet so enormous that we count ourselves out of the quantum mechanical equation altogether, claiming that it doesn't apply to the world we know. How wrong we are in this juvenile assumption. Should you be ready to embrace the bigger picture, you will find the track opening up to a whole new realm of probability.