There's something to be said for the Ballerina's Skirt. Rippling positive and negative charge at an equilateral distance to keep a perfect flow at a perfect resistance is quite an art. The Sun does it without thinking and given the optimisation of our own devices, so can we. There is, according to the ‘as above, so below' dictum, little difference between any of the life forms in Creation and since we are life forms, the planet we birthed from must be a life form and the Sun that gives life must be a life form too. We can't keep ourselves egotistically divorced from the equation forever, we have to accept the status of shared privileges, and those privileges include being able to share in the capabilities that all the other life forms are privy to, too. The images to the left lead to more information on Ballerina's Skirts. |

But it's been said, and I think it's true, that the future comes regardless of what we might think of it, and it's also been said, and I think it's true, that if we can imagine it, we've been there and it can't be like that again, because we've imagined it. This goes against the grain of many Law of Attraction fans because people have put pictures of their desired house in their wishlist montage and that particular house has fallen into their laps at a later date. This very thing happened to Brian and The Dog House, but that's another story.

Something tells me that we're a long way from home, if not very far from the next destination, and out there in the neutrino factory that we call the Milky Way there is a feed we can't be weaned from, a knowledge stronghold we're all locked into, which won't give up on us because it has all the time in the world, from our perspective anyway, and it's going to teach us whatever we need to learn. As the planetary exploration behind the galaxy testifies, we're going to be seen in 2017;