You can debate whether or not electrons zip in and out of existence every time they jump or drop a shell. And you can speculate on their interactions with positrons being more than simple annihilations. The articles linked here go some way towards feeding the imagination of what could happen if we successsfully learn to harness this energy, and in many ways we do so all the time - we move between states of 'high' and 'low' and feel the shift in energy as a result. While our states change, our quarks interpret this and they change through oscillation all the time.
You're a Universe encapsulated, some say. You are everything there is. All great prophets and masters through the ages seem to agree.
No getting away from being a quantum unit, though, and all that goes with it, including the propensity to be in two places at once. Is your mind on it, or is your mind elsewhere?
Check out paragraph 5 ("free electrons") in this article 'explaining' solar panel energy.
What is life if not of mind? The more you ask yourself these questions, the closer you get to something that makes sense, even if Eureka moments seem elusive until the right time.