There once was a neutrino:
Tau lived and loved his name.
A lepton of determination -
none would be the same
He'd morphed, you see,
two or three times he could recall....
and learned within his multi-lives
One cannot have it all.
"Yet I will find my way through Earth,"
he found himself now singing
"As from my Father Sol the Sun
I come a-bravely winging!"
Overheard by Muon
tracking gamely at his side, who said
"I've heard on Earth, with horrid things
you're likely to collide!"
"Not me," said Tau, "for I have found
that thought overrides matter
and I will fight my way through life
where other forms may scatter!"
While Muon foresaw doom ahead
he had no eyes to see, so
he hit a bath of Argon hard, somewhere in Italy
Tau ploughed on remorsefully with just a little sigh.
"If only all the others could see life and love as I."
The nanoseconds passed, as Tau deliberated fate
cruising unaccompanied through Earth's tectonic plates.
Just as his thoughts were yielding to a greater scheme than "I"
his path was intersected by the brightest meson, Pi.
Pi was most insistent. "You have not learned enough.
My great-great Uncle Pi took Fibonacci by the scruff,
and taught him in a thousand dreams what many dare not mention;
That mathematics lies behind life's every insurrection".
"All very well," said Tau, bemused. "But love is no equation.
And I will not be governed by symmetric limitation".
"Have it your way," sneered Pi, "but you can mark my words.
One day every mind will know what great laws are incurred."
Tau continued through the crust
and sensed a change ahead
He thought he'd oscillate,
then thought, "I'll influence instead!
I know that there is more to life
than changing with the seasons.
There has to be a purpose here.
There has to be a reason."
A child lay in a garden, on softly yielding grass...
her mother wept beside her as the minutes slowly passed...
for her little girl had asked that she be shown the sun again
before Heaven took her little life and took away the pain.
Tau felt the impact sharply, as a board gives to a dart.
He gave his living energy there in the child's heart.
And as he died, he realised
that what he'd thought was true;
though he could not pass the truth on, he could only hold the view.
The little girl opened her eyes and whispered, "Hello, Mummy.
Somewhere out there I just know
that someone died for me."
Her body was rejuvenated, nobody knew how.
She took a surge of strength in life
thanks to the path of Tau,
and though she'd never know where from,
she still holds to the vision
that all is for a reason
though it's not a loud admission;
Now she's an astrophysicist,
who can hardly be expected
to go round voicing dear beliefs
in childhood elected.
Although she thinks, in solitude,
the world around is nuts -
While science holds itself apart,
so many doors it shuts.