Last time, it was about Syntropy (please check out the DotOrg version as it earned itself way more likes!), having got rather excited about a principle that vied with Entropy as an absolute. You know me, ever looking for a boot to put into a Constraint.
Syntropy covered all bases (not letting those clocks get the better of us), and struck a few blinders at the same time, like allowing us a future we can value in safety. If we can't extrapolate the principles of physics to the human condition, what's the point of understanding them? The thing about physics, its devotees and its woo, is that once you've got a physical system bending to the will of quantum laws, you've got a system poking through the brane of metaphysics, and that's something even Einstein had to swallow in the end.

"What balance?"
The one you're striving for, the work-life balance, the balance of power, equality in the relationship?
"What's physics got to do with relationships?"
Oh boy. Had I the time.....
Well, right now it's coming up to five in the morning and I got out of bed specially to do this, with the first line in my head and an insistence pressing in from somewhere else that the rest will take care of itself. All I have to do is show up.
There's no getting away from it, balance holds sway over pretty much everything, even Nature. Take 'spin' - you don't have a particle spinning one way without another spinning in the opposite direction, probably its anti-particle, which would put them in the same place at the same time. What about CP violation? Depends how you look at it. QCD doesn't suffer from any violation problems but that could be due to the chromodynamic part, surely, just as looking at chromosomes led to the belief that 95% of our DNA was 'junk'. The lovely thing about this particular problem is the absence of regard to the oscillation factor. "The reason why such a complex phase causes CP violation is not immediately obvious," but hey, you've got sets of three to deal with here. Three generations of quarks, three flavours of neutrino. And there's your relationship - the sedentary quark and the flying neutrino, oscillating together, and don't even get me started on leptons.

There's value in thinking, isn't there, when the thoughts are positively contributing to something positive. Not that I'm ever going to appeal to the Positivist, at all, in the slightest, nor would want to. Loving the tricks of the light does demand some appreciation of the dark, and I know that plenty of people out there with technical, scientific minds are stretching the boundary constraints because let's face it, we can't help what's happening to the world out there unless we do something drastic from within ourselves. Violation is out there. What better place to start?